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Complete the form below to purchcase your chosen domain



 How to purchase your domain     and setup you Zilliqa wallet   

We have exciting news for ALL our customers.

We are making the purchasing process of our Crypto Wallet addresses simpler and safer. 

Each domain is currently being listed and linked to an NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens).  Ownership of that domain can be verified on the Zilliqa blockchain. Mintable, is an NFT Marketpalce That Supports Dual Blockchain [Zilliqa + Ethereum] learn more.

The links to buy a domain are listed at the bottom of the "Description for each domain", which takes you directly to the listed item on the Zilliqa Mintable App Store where you finalise the purchase.
NOTE: We are in the processing of listing all our domains on the Mintable store - if your choice does not have a link, please message us and we'll add it for you.


Buying a domain

To buy a domain you need to have a Zilliqa Wallet, and this is very important, IT SHOULD NOT BE ON A PUBLIC EXCHANGE, if you use such a wallet you will lose access to your domain.

If you don't have a Zilliqa wallet

follow the steps below on creating a free wallet in ZilPay a browser extension for Firefox and Google Chrome.


If you already have a Zilliqa wallet then;

you need to import that Zilliqa wallet into the ZilPay browser extension for Firefox and Google Chrome. (This extension is similar to the MetaMask that's used for Ethereum).

Choose your Domain

Firefox or Google Chrome

ZilPay is a browser extension that needs to be downloaded and installed on either Firefox or Google Chrome, unfortunately, it currently does not work on other browsers. ( Ensure you are downloading the correct extension.


OPen Zilpay App

You now need to either import your current Zilliqa wallet or create a new wallet on the ZilPay app. (NOTE: Zilliqa wallets that are on Exchanges cannot be used).

It is really IMPORTANT to make a note of your wallet 12 seed wallet recovery words.
Make an accurate copy of your private key address and NEVER share that with anyone.
Make a note of your paraphrase and or passwords that you use with the wallet. 

And export and save a copy of your JSON file, which is created and available for download when you create a new wallet.

If you purchase an NFT domain, that domain is transferred to the wallet you have just created.  So to have access to the domain, it's very important to remember that you are in control of your wallets access, be that its passwords, paraphrase private key, public key, 12 seed words and JSON file. If lost, it's not possible for these to be reset by us, ZilPay or Mintable.  Its strongly advised to keep all this information off the computer, and stored on a USB memory stick and stored somewhere very safe. 

Here is a helpful guide to setting up and using ZilPay 

You'll need some Zilliqa in your wallet to link it to Mintable and can either buy some Zilliqa within the app or you can send some Zilliqa from an external source to your new wallet.


While in the same internet browser, visit Mintable.

Here is a simple guide on how to buy an item on Mintable


Here is our guide:
To purchase the domain, you need to go to Mintable and create a user account,
Once done, mintable should automatically detect that you have the ZilPay extension installed (as long as you are still using Firefox or Google Chrome).  If not, then link the wallet manually to your account. 

Ensure you have enough funds in your account, and you can go ahead with the purchase. 



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